Compressed air dryers
Water... the essence of life, a curse of the pneumatics industry.
Since its foundation in 1958, Morehouse produce compressed air dryers under own label and for OEM customers. She distinguished herself in high quality, sustainability and reliability. For the treatment of your compressed air you can count on 2 sustainable ranges of refrigerant dryers: the cycling thermal mass dryer and the non-cycling direct expansion dryer. Both dryers have a minimal need of maintenance.
Thermal mass refrigerant dryers
The unique concept of the thermal mass refrigeration dryer was invented and developed by Morehouse. It differs from the classic refrigeration dryer in a heat exchanger immersed in a liquid thermal buffer resulting in a stable pressure dew point even with varying compressed air demand. A precisely integrated control system ensures that the refrigeration dryer is only switched on when required.
Direct expansion refrigerant dryer
Our direct expansion dryer is a compact and user-friendly solution for drying your compressed air. There fore we use all-in-one stainless steel plate heat exchangers with integrated water separator.
Feel free to call us to discuss the possibilities on
+32 3 309 25 26 or send us your requirements in an email.