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  • Centre of competence in HVAC& R

Our craftsmanship allows us to work out the best solutions with our clients that are tested for efficiency, durability and reliability.

  • Product development

Morehouse is your ideal partner for all your refrigeration problems. Our team of experts guarantees you a tailor-made solution and concretises your refrigeration concepts into a finished product.

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  • Durability

In our standard and OEM products, we take into account the most ecological design by using natural refrigerants, for example.

A strong example of a highly sustainable product is our thermal mass refrigeration dryer (TMS+) where you will have recouped the extra cost of your refrigeration dryer between 10 months and 2 years, purely from the savings on energy consumption. You will have recouped the refrigeration dryer completely between 4 and 6 years.

We supply customers operating in such areas as

Medische apparatenbouw
Medical device construction
Farmaceutische apparatenbouw
Pharmaceutical machine construction
Grafische machinebouw
Graphic machine construction
Food industry
Metaalverwerkende nijverheid
Metallurgical industry
Catering industry
Landbouw en agro-industrie
Agriculture and agro-industry
Heating installations